Pendulum started their recent tour in the wonderful city of Leeds (a place I will forever refer to as my second home)
I've been a fan of Pendulum since being a little teenager but never seen them live and would never call myself a HUGE fan, they're a band I went a long time without listening to and last night just opened my eyes up to why they belong in every playlist.
The setlist was in the simplest terms perfection. They had such an incredible mix of the old classics and a handful of new songs.
The stage and light show was breath-taking with the screens showing different animations or close ups of Rob while he sang. It really was a spectacle.
The crowd were vibing every single moment of the 17 song set, the big hitters being 'Propane Nightmares' 'Voodoo People' 'Tarantula' and 'Watercolour'
Even sitting up in the balcony everyone was up on their feet partying to a band who for the past 20 years have been perfectly combining drum&bass with electronic rock (and in some parts metal)
the tightness of this band knows no limits and they orchestrated the set beautifully, everyone would have left last nights venue in the same way I did. Speechless.
I've been up all night wondering how I can possibly type up a review for a show that was just that spectacular. Even now, I don't even have the words and just feel like I'm saying the same thing "It's amazing" but the truth is, unless you see the show, that is all you can say. No words will describe how good it was.